Popular Stories

perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2016

Hello you! ^___^

Hello! My name is Sofia. I am 14 years old, creative and fandomtrash girl. And that is pretty much all of it.

So, I like to write actually, and that is why I started this blog. To let you guys read my creative stories. 

So honestly, I would love you guys, if you would like share this blog to your friends, comment about this and draw art and create my characters and stuff. If you do so, thank you. I appreaciate those things. 

I always answer to any questions you want to know.

Few questions I answer already:

 Favorite subjects?
- Arts and Mother Tongue :P

-I draw, write and skate sometimes. I do sports often.  

Favorite food:
-Pizza and chinese food.  

What kind of stories are you going to write?
-I use lot of my imagination in them. I promise to create interesting characters, long and short stories, heroes, dark stories, many chapters and of course ships. (lenny lenny) 

Join to read my blog! ^.^


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