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perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2016

The Elements of Earth: Part 1

So, this is probably going to be long story with many parts, so keep it up. And I am going to use lot of pictures that do not belong to me, but they help you to create my characters. If you have talent, you can draw my characters, and I can put them in my blog! Lets begin! :3

(i do mistakes in english..sry)

"Sunny, wake up!"

Door slammed open. Sunny´s mother came in. "Sunny, its school morning!"

Sunny woke up and stood up sitting on her bed. Her dark brown hair was all messy and she looked really tired.

"What..? What time is it?" Sunny asked while she rubbed her eyes with her hands.

"Its 8:20."

 "8:20! I am gonna be late for school! Why
didn´t you wake me up earlier!" Sunny raged at her mom while jumping off the bed and running to her
wardrobe to change her clothes.

Sunny´s  mom sighed and closed her door and went into the kitchen.

Sunny`s mom
Sunny took off her sleepwear and wore on orange t-shirt and jeans. She quickly looked at herself from the mirror. She thought that she could put on some make-up, to impress guy from her class, but she was in a real hurry. Sunny tried to wink in a sexy way to the mirror with her green eyes, but she just ended up looking like an idiot. Sunny turned her back and took her backpack and her books. She packed the books and and put on the backpack.

Sunny sighed. She was really lazy in school and usually she did not even try, even though she sometimes  wanted to. She was the worst one in her class. Her mother didn´t seem to care about it. Whenever she got a angry message from a teacher or even principal, she just deleted it or replied with "she has the same rights as everybody, let her try. she do not need special teaching".

Of course Sunny did not knew about this. She was thinking that she was just a normal teenager. Lazy, awkward and crazy about puberty.

Sunny ran in to the kitchen where mom was. Sunny grabbed quickly her pencil case.

"Hurry up sweetie, it's 8:23" Sunny's mom said as she took a small shot of coffee.

"Yeah, mind your own business." Sunny replied and packed her pencil case.

"Bye Sunny, have fun at school and remember to come home before 18:00"

Sunny was always confused about the timing. When the clock hits 18:00, sun goes down at the time. If Sunny would break that rule, her mother would probably get mad at her forever. Sunny wondered why, but she did not totally care about it, because she never broke her mother`s rules anyway.

Sunny opened the front door and closed it, when she was outside. It was summer. Sun shined straight to Sunny`s eyes.  Sunny started walking down by the asphalt street, with lovely little detached houses next to it.

Sunny started put on her headphones and started listening happy songs as she jumped down to the street.

Sun hid behind the clouds. Sunny took off her headphones and she looked as the shadow came over her. Sunny realized, that her skin turned white under the shadow.

"What the hell?" Sunny thought. Sunny looked down to her hands. She was all white. Sunny started panicking a bit, but soon sun came back.

Sunny`s skin turned back to her normal, little dark skin.

Sunny was confused. What just happened? Sunny walked faster all the time. She did not want that happen again. In school it would cause something bad.

Sunny arrived at school. School building was huge, and the courtyard had one entertainment: basketball court. School`s courtyard was full of bushes and trees, so it looked kind of pretty. Sunny saw few girls from her class hanging out in front of school`s front door, so she decided to go talk to them.

Sunny walked up to the blonde girl, named Lucy. She was really mean to everyone, really popular, never had like real friends, and she had almost every month a new boyfriend. Sunny still hopelessly tried to be friends with her.

"Hi!" Sunny said to Lucy. Lucy and other girls looked at her.
"Oh hi, it is you Sunny. The worst pupil of the month." Lucy laughed.

Sunny smiled nervously, tryin` to look like she did not take it seriously. Sunny wanted to hit back. She was still kind of mad at her. Lucy always bullied her from the elementary school. Sunny was always kind to her, but now she is  teenager. She just wants to defend back.

"Yeah, thanks for noticing, dear Mrs. Boy Collector." Sunny said proudly.
All girls in the group smirked, expect Lucy. She was all red, because her boyfriend was standing behind Sunny, looking at Lucy in a angry way.

Lucy`s boyfriend left to his boygroup.

"Thanks for embarrasing me!" Lucy shouted madly.

Lucy turned her back and walked with her high heels away still blushing.

Girlgroup saw her leaving. One of the girls opened her mouth:
"Damn girl, you really got her quiet. Did you see how much she blushed? You are really, cool Sunny."

Sunny blushed a bit. She never got compliments like that.

"Thanks...I guess."

Schoolbells rang. Everyone came in to the school building. Sunny quickly ran as first in, but everyone else were pushing Sunny around the hallway. Sunny fell down, but nobody did not care about her. When all the students got in their classes, Sunny was trying to get up from the hallway.

"Ah shit. I can get up, c`mon!" Sunny thought, as she pushed herself up. But her knee hurt bad, when someone pushed her down. Suddenly Sunny heard someone coming at her. Footsteps. Sunny looked up. She saw girl with blue eyes, white hair and white beautiful dress. She offered a hand for her.

"Stand up, dear." Girl smiled to her.

Girl raised carefully Sunny up. Sunny felt a bit dizzy. Her knee did not hurt anymore.
"Hey Sunny." the Girl said.
"Who are you? I haven`t seen you before? Are you new?" Sunny asked rubbing her head.
"My name is Cloud. Guardian of the Skies. I came here to take you where you belong."
"Umm..is this some kind of joke or a prank or what..?" Sunny was confused.
"No. You need to come with me." Cloud said.

Sunny backed a bit.
"Whoa. I can not just follow stranger girl who is probably super high or drunk, or this is just a stupid prank. Move please." Sunny said and walked past the girl. When she turned her head to see the girl, she was gone.

Weird, Sunny thought.

Sunny rushed to class. She opened the door without knocking and sat on his place.
"Sunny, you are 10 minutes late." Sunny`s classteacher said.
"I am sorry..I..I fell and.." Sunny said and blushed. She could not just tell everyone she saw a mysterious girl on the hallway, who had healed her knee. Everyone would think she is gone mad.
"I fell and I hurted my knee. It took me a while to walk here."
"Well then..we shall continue."



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